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Log Home Restain or Restore

Note: Below is a quick synopsis, for detailed product information and application guides go to our product pages and application guides on our website.

Option 1 – Restore it completely

Existing logs that have not been maintained on a regular basis can deteriorate to a point where a simple “wash and restain” is not sufficient, especially if you prefer the “natural wood” look and want to continue with a transparent stain. Most likely, older logs will have discolored very patchy with the original stain color still intact up under eaves, to very dark or even gray color in more exposed areas like the top curve of the log or logs closer to the ground. 

The only way to bring the logs back to a uniform, natural bare wood color is to use a chemical stripper such as our Strip & Brite formula along with scrubbing and hose rinsing, or in conjunction with a pressure washer which scrubs and rinses at the same time. (Be forewarned that if pressure washer is used, some water can insinuate right through the walls to inside of home, have beach towels handy!)  Some opt to have their logs professionally media blasted with walnut shell, corn cob, soda, or other media. The goal is to get the logs clean, bare, and uniform. 

Once achieved, then consider applying Timbor (available on borate treatment to repel wood boring insects if the home is in a buggy area. Soon after, you can apply two coats of our Log & Siding Classic Formula in the color of your choice. If you choose a Micro-Tint or Transparent color, then we recommend a third top coat of Clear Log & Siding Smooth Formula to extend the longevity of the transparent colors. Lastly, if there are large cracks in the logs that face toward the sky we recommend you fill them with clear log caulk to prevent rain from insinuating deep into crack. Note: Some previous applied stains may not strip easily, especially acrylic stain.  We suggest ordering a sample of Strip & Brite to make sure it will remove your prior stain.

Option 2 –  Simple clean and re-stain

Some log homes simply need a thorough cleaning and more stain applied.  This is the case if the original stain is still intact, just slightly faded and dirty.  Some walls and sides get more sun and are likely to be more faded. Clean the house well with Clean & Brite before you determine which walls need more color and which just need another coat of clear. On the walls that need more color, apply one or two coats of your original color and then top coat again with clear.  On the walls where the color is still intact but just look dry, apply one liberal coat of Clear. If you have used a different brand of finish other than Timber Pro UV, call us so we can help determine if there is a compatibility issue and send test samples.